If you have ordered checks with our new company, Mainstreet, you can type in your account number and reorder most styles of check.  If you have not placed an order for checks we want to make sure everything is correct in our system, so please stop in or call us so we can verify your information.

If you would like to see our new check options, click here.

December 2016

3 app store logos

There’s an app for that (but it might be fake)

byAri LazarusConsumer Education Specialist, FTC As more and more consumers are shopping with mobile apps, fraudsters are following the money. There are fake phone apps popping up that impersonate well-known retailers in order to steal your personal information. Their names…

picture of computer and router

Secure your home network devices to keep you safe.

December 7, 2016 by Ari LazarusConsumer Education Specialist, FTC Today’s hackers are attacking a lot more than just computers. They’re going after ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) ( anything that is connected to the internet in your home, like a DVR…