If you have ordered checks with our new company, Mainstreet, you can type in your account number and reorder most styles of check.  If you have not placed an order for checks we want to make sure everything is correct in our system, so please stop in or call us so we can verify your information.

If you would like to see our new check options, click here.

Computer Scams

amazon prime symbol

New Amazon Prime fake email

Fake Amazon Prime email abuses LinkedIn’s URL shortener Posted: February 24, 2023 by Christopher Boyd on Malwarebytes website Click here for the entire story. Over the last few days, scammers have been sending out phishing mails that disguise bogus URLs with something called…

older Americans Month Scam warning

Don’t talk to Scammers

Younger VS Older…  Both get scammed When people encounter scams or bad business practices, they report them to the FTC. And what we’ve learned is interesting. Young adults report losing money to scammers more often than older people do, but when…

Text FedEx scams

FedEx and Texting Scams

This is a FedEx scam that we have been seeing for awhile, but it has recently resurfaced. I wanted to point out a few ways you can spot scams. I will go over each picture and show you what to look…

inspect email

Amazon order scam

New Email Attack Takes a Phishing-Turned-Vishing Angle to Steal Credit Card Info Details on this new scam demonstrate how cybercriminal gangs are working to try use new mediums and social engineering methods to trick users into becoming victims. Receiving a bogus email…

Romance + Ask for money is a scam

Boyfriend Girlfriend Scam

Romance Scams Beyond the job losses and economic fallout of the pandemic, the loneliness and isolation brought on by our virtual lives has real consequences. This might explain why romance scams reached a record $304 million in losses reported to…

Picture of a site notification

Site Notifications Risk?

Be Very Sparing in Allowing Site Notifications. An increasing number of websites are asking visitors to approve “notifications,” browser modifications that periodically display messages on the user’s mobile or desktop device. In many cases these notifications are benign, but several…

Report Fraud Button

Why Report Fraud

Telling your story can help your friends, your family, your community and others avoid those scams. That keeps money in their pockets and their information out of the hands of criminals. And reporting those scams to the FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov helps…