If you have ordered checks with our new company, Mainstreet, you can type in your account number and reorder most styles of check.  If you have not placed an order for checks we want to make sure everything is correct in our system, so please stop in or call us so we can verify your information.

If you would like to see our new check options, click here.


You deserve more than just a phone number or an online site to manage your savings and checking. We have a suite of apps for your phones that make it easy to manage your money.
Customer using a bank check for a large purchase.

Checking, Savings and other Investments

You deserve more than just a phone number or an online site to manage your savings and checking.  Our apps make it easy to manage your money.  We want to not only give you great rates when you deposit your money, but also want you to know that we will be here for you.

It is important to have the option to stop in and talk directly to a teller.  If you would rather email or call, we do that too.  You will not have to call a toll-free number and get lost in a phone chain to find an answer.

Deposit Insurance | FDIC

We are happy to provide these products and services

Passbook Savings

This saving account uses a passbook.  The passbook must be present to withdraw money.  Direct deposits are allowed in this account and a $10.00 minimum is required.

Statement Savings

This savings account, with activity, will generate a statement just like a checking account does each month.  Automatic withdraws and debit cards may be used with this type of savings account.

Personal Checking

This checking account only takes $100.00 to open and must maintain a positive balance.

Reorder Checks

Regular NOW Checking

This type of checking account is good for people who want to earn interest on their checking account.  This does require a minimum balance of $200.00 to be kept in the account to avoid a $10.00 monthly service charge fee.

Super NOW Checking Account

This is an investment account and requires $2,500.00 to open.  *For any day the balance falls under $2,500 it earns the NOW checking rate. A $10.00 service charge applies to balances that drop under $200.00 (once per month).

Business Checking

This is a special checking account tailored for small businesses.  It does require business papers and an EIN number to open.  Business Checking requires $100.00 to open and only requires a positive balance.

Certificates of Deposit

Certificates of Deposit or commonly called CD’s are a great way to earn more interest than a standard savings account. 

If you don’t need immediate access to your money this is a great way to save. There are term lengths for CDs ranging from 5 months to 36 months, all insured by the FDIC. Once the term is over, you can withdraw your initial amount plus the accrued interest, or it will be renewed at the current rate (current rate is the rate we offer at the maturity date.).

Bump CDs

The main advantage of bump certificates of deposit (CD) is that you are able to come in and move your interest rate up during the term of the CD.  How many times will vary depending on the type of the CD.

Individual Retirement Accounts

We have both Roth and Traditional IRA accounts.  We do not have any annual fees or transfer fees.

Ask our specialists.

Questions about any of Peoples Savings and Loan’s deposit products? If you don’t see something here, ask one of our deposit specialists.